Techarena 202520 februari Strawberry Arena, SwedenHomeEventsOm Techarenan

Swedish GLOBHE soaring to scale-up status after latest funding round

Globhe Founder & CEO Helena Samsioe. Image cred: Press photo.

Stockholm-based GLOBHE is closing its seed round of SEK 20 million to boost access to global climate data from drones. The company wants to use the money to scale-up its operations worldwide.

The drone as a service company provides Earth surveillance taken by drones to help move the globe toward a more sustainable future. Its Crowddroning platform connects local drone operators across the world with businesses, organizations and researchers who are looking for high-resolution observation data.

”The time for planet action is yesterday, but action requires data,” GLOBHE Founder and CEO Helena Samsioe said. “We have seen an increased interest this year from actors worldwide, which means sales and impact numbers are taking off.”

GLOBHE says the drones sent out through Crowddroning are helping monitor deforestation, prevent malaria outbreaks, inspect clean energy assets, and more. The platform connects more than 6,000 drone operators in 117 countries, with clients that include the United Nations, World Bank, and clean energy companies.

GLOBHE is accelerating its growth and increasing its impact

“We are excited to join Helena and the team at GLOBHE on its growth journey,” Course Corrected Partner Christine Ahlstrand said. “We are science-driven and strong believers that to address climate change, collecting data cost-efficiently in an environmentally friendly and timely manner is key.”

Course Corrected, a climate-focused venture capital fund, was lead investor in the seed round. Other key investors include VEQ, MIT Solve Innovation Fund, and Sustainable Energy Angels.

“The work that the GLOBHE team does is very important,” VEQ Partner Maria Bergsten said. “They’re creating true positive impact for people all over the world and the whole planet.”

GLOBHE says more than 31 million people and their environments were impacted by its efforts last year. The company’s goal is to improve the lives of 3.8 billion people by 2030 by fighting climate change.

CEO Helena Samsioe says they’re working on scaling up operations, which requires more capital, cutting-edge knowledge and investors who share the company’s mission.

“I’m thrilled to have found that in our Nordic and American impact tech investors,” Samsioe said.


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